Training Opportunity – Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery using ISIS and SOCET SET® 27th to 29th July, 2015


Call for Participation – Training Opportunity
Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery using ISIS and SOCET SET®
27th to 29th July, 2015
Astrogeology Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey


The Planetary Photogrammetry Guest Facility at the Astrogeology Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey would like to announce its Call for Participation for a training opportunity on July 27-29, 2015.  This training will cover photogrammetric processing of planetary stereo imagery using ISIS and SOCET SET® software developed by BAE Systems.  The training is free to participants, and will cover end-to-end, hands-on photogrammetric procedures for surface extraction (i.e., digital elevation model generation) from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE image pairs. The topics include: 

  • An introduction to photogrammetric procedures and surface generation techniques;
  • Overview of HiRISE imagery;
  • Workflow and data exchange between ISIS and SOCET Set®

The hands-on training will include an overview of ISIS preprocessing, SOCET SET® import of image and reference data, orientation procedures, triangulation and bundle adjustment, automated surface extraction of digital terrain models (DTM), editing, and data export.

If you are interested in participating in this opportunity, then please send an email to Dr. Robin Fergason ( with the following specific information:

  • You name and title
  • Affiliation
  • Address, phone number, and email address
  • Brief statement describing your interest in the training

Please note that seating for this session is limited to 12 individuals, so please express your interest as soon as possible.  Once the class is full, we will maintain a wait-list in case there are cancelations, and to notify interested individuals of future training opportunities.

“These workshops a great opportunity for Astrogeology to make available to the whole planetary community our unique and world-class expertise in planetary photogrammetry, which has been an integral part of our mandate since the inception of Apollo mission where our team was the first to generate geodetic-grade maps of the moon,” said Astrogeology Director Dr. Laszlo Kestay