The FIRST VERTICAL GEOLOGY CONFERENCE (VGC-14), University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-7 February 2014

The FIRST VERTICAL GEOLOGY CONFERENCE (VGC-14) will be held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 6-7 February 2014.

The focus of this conference is on remote sensing of ground surface and digital processing to support 3D geological modeling and interpretation in various fields of the geosciences. 


The objectives of the VGC-14 conference are:

(1) To present and discuss the most recent scientific results and techniques for vertical mapping by remote sensing as input for 3D geomodeling;

(2) To identify related critical issues and promising developments;

(3) To provide a forum for information and knowledge exchange between academic, government and practical geoscientists about 3D digital geology.

More details can be found here: (