SubCoast Symposium: Observation and prediction of subsidence in European coastal lowlands Date: Wednesday 25 September 2013 Location: Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland, Delft, The Netherlands

SubCoast Symposium

Observation and prediction of subsidence in European coastal lowlands

Date: Wednesday 25 September 2013 
Location: Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland, Delft, The Netherlands

SubCoast is an international FP7 project to develop a service for land subsidence hazard assessment and monitoring. The project focusses on coastal lowland areas in Europe, and includes parties from the UK, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands.

The main emphasis of SubCoast is on the link between monitoring and prediction of subsidence, (flood) risk management and new technological advancements, particularly using satellite-based measurement data.

This final symposium will present the main findings and results of the project, including a new concept for Digital Elevation Models, national deformation maps, water defense infrastructure monitoring, and prognosis values of subsidence for western Europe. Moreover, a new web-portal with subsidence mapping tools will be officially launched.


  9.00 Registration, opening and introduction 
          Subsidence in coastal lowlands: the SubCoast project 
          (speakers from EC institutes, TNO & Deltares) 
          A new generation DEM for subsidence monitoring and forecasting 
          (Speakers from TU Delft, TNO & Deltares) 
12.15 Lunch 
13.00 Excursion: subsidence in Delft 
          (subsidence features around the old town of Delft) 
14.15 User perspectives: subsidence and water management 
          (Speakers from Delfland Water Board, Delft Flood Risk Center & TU Delft) 
          SubCoast results from European pilots 
          (Speakers from Poland, Italy & UK) 
          Towards a subsidence risk management service and outlook 
          (including launch of the webportal and debate) 
17.00 Refreshments 
          Optional: evening dinner (information will follow)

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