Hyperspectral Imaging Seminar Technology & Innovation Centre, Strathclyde University, Glasgow – 13th December 2016

Hyperspectral Imaging Seminar

Technology & Innovation Centre, Strathclyde University, Glasgow

Tuesday 13th December 2016.

Register for our LOT-QuantumDesign and Specim Hyperspectral Imaging Seminar which is being held at Strathclyde University on Tuesday 13th December 2016.

This free of charge seminar is aimed at both experienced hyperspectral imaging users as well as people new to hyperspectral imaging.  The format of the day will include an introduction to hyperspectral imaging (including theory, applications and data analysis examples) and a practical demonstration of the sisuCHEMA with SWIR spectral camera.

To register please contact Angela Carslake on 01372 378822, email angela@lot-qd.co.uk

Preliminary agenda:

09.30 Registration and coffee
10.00 Welcome and introduction to LOT-QuantumDesign and Specim (Ben Parker, LOT-QuantumDesign)
Theory and fundamentals of hyperspectral imaging (Mathieu Marmion, Specim)
11.00 Coffee Break
11.15 Overview of applications (Mathieu Marmion, Specim)
11.45 How to analyze spectral imaging data (Mathieu Marmion, Specim)
12.00 Lunch
13.00 What components are required for a push-broom hyperspectral imaging setup? (Ben Parker, LOT-QuantumDesign)
13.30 The new airborne product line from Specim (Mathieu Marmion, Specim)
14.00 Practical demonstration of sisuCHEMA system with SWIR spectral camera (Mathieu Marmion, Specim)
15.30 Discussion and Q&A
16.00 Close


For more information visit: http://www.lot-qd.co.uk/en/events/single-view/hyperspectral-imaging-seminar-1/